Shitty eggs

It seems that my carefully orchestrated flower arrangement has been replaced by a plate of larger than life lemons! These giant yellow globes make me embarrassed when compared to the minuscule excuse we have on our trees. Just goes to show you what a bit of pruning and manure can do! 

There is an old couple who live up on the hill and they are true-blue farmers. They used to live in this house many years ago when it still had a dirt floor. Now they live along the other coast with their chickens and rabbits. They are in their 80’s and have no car access to their house. You can just imagine what grocery shopping must be like for them!

My husband paid them a visit the other day because they are old friends of the family. Every time he visits, the wife sends him back with a bag full of stuff. A jar of homemade olives, those mammoth lemons and eggs still with the chicken caca on them. I really like the farm fresh eggs but the caca grosses me out.

The farmer that lives down below us is a different matter entirely. He’s a bit mad and miserable and he makes his wife walk down the hill to do all the shopping. I don’t think he has left this property for the last 20 years. They have no chickens and he is far too busy snooping around watching us or stealing our wood to bother to cut the grass or trim a hedge.

The neighbours on the other side are pretty quiet, I never see them, but their dog, well he likes to bark at me every time I go near a window. He’s a very large Rottweiler that I have fondly nicknamed Cujo and he doesn’t seem to want to make friends with me any time soon. Perhaps he doesn’t understand English. Oh well! His loss for sure : )

About lmarmstrong66

I'm a blogger, painter, writer, singer. For the love of all things in nature and creativity.
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2 Responses to Shitty eggs

  1. Justine says:

    Our lives sound so similar it is scarry, however, my Kujo is a Chihuappion and happens to live in my house. What part of Italy are you in? I am in Sicily

  2. Justine,
    I am North…Genova to be exact.
    I’ve been to Palermo many times though. It’s like being in a different country altogether! You should come visit me : )
    Have you ever been this far North Italy?

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